Job Seekers
Employee Information
Applicants, please schedule an interview in advance. Quick Employment is looking forward to reading your current resume and scheduling an one-on-one comprehensive interview. Walk-ins may not be seen because of the interviewer’s schedule. Thank you.
We help you be your best
- Attendance and Record Keeping
- Direct Deposits
- Timely Drug Screening Results
- Timely Background Results
- First Day Quality Check
- Identification Badge
- Timely Onboarding Information
- Open Door Policy
- Placement with a Reputable Employer
- Review Co-employers Job Duties
- Review Employee Contract
- Temporary to Permanent Hiring
- Weekly Quality Checks
- Workshops on Soft Skills and Team Work
We Staff the Following Positions: Submit Your Resume Today.
- Accountant
- Accounting Assistant
- Accounting Clerk
- Accounts Payable
- Accounts Receivable
- Payroll Clerk
- Payroll Officer
- Administration Assistant
- Executive Assistant
- Human Resource Administrator
- Legal Assistant
- Legal Secretary
- Office Administrator
Office Services
- Data Entry
- File Clerk
- Office Assistant
- Human Resource Assistant
- Human Resource Clerk
- Receptionist
General and Skilled Labor
- EVS - Housekeepers and Janitorial
- General and Skilled Labor to be Determined
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How to Choose a Company to Establish and Expand Your Career
The most important step in choosing a company you’re interested in becoming part of, is to do research on the company. Take time to consider your personal values and decide if the company’s values align with your own. Read their mission – A company’s mission statement is usually located on their about page and it will give insight on the company’s values and priorities
Reflect on the company’s culture:
Work life balance: ask about vacation, sick and personal time options (also known as PTO – Paid Time Off)
Opportunities for growth: inquire about professional development opportunities and growth potential
Job security: evaluate compensation and negotiate salary if necessary, discuss benefits and perks (dental, vision, healthcare), and review the retirement plan
Workplace preferences and reviews can further your research on the company
To do more research if necessary, use social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and more to connect with current or former employees for insight on the company. Searching review websites like Glassdoor, Indeed, and Comparably are also good options for research.

Your resume should tell a story about your work history. The reader should not have any doubts about your experience and skills. Your resume should be one or two pages. If the resume is two pages, make sure you put your full name on the second page upper right. One page is preferred.
The Five Most Significant Parts of a Resume:
1. Contact information
2. Objective
3. Work Experience
4. Skills relating to the job description
5. Education
1. Contact Information – This should be at the top of the page as follows:
First and Last name
Phone number
Email address
Mailing address
2. Resume Objective – This is your elevator speech it should be clear; you should list your skills for the job you are applying for. Example: “I am applying for the ____ position because I believe my previous skills and experience make me an excellent candidate."
3. Previous Work Experience – Include volunteer and internship that relate to job description. The companies’ name, job titles, and job duties (use four to five bullet points describing your duties and accomplishments, list city and state, date employed month and year.
Work Experience
ABC Company Cleveland, OH
Office Assistant 06/2015 - 03/20/23
• Typing (55 WPM) letters, memos editing, and proofreading
• Scheduling and managing office manager’s calendar
• Receiving and answering emails
• Answering multiple phone lines, taking messages, and transferring calls
• Filing alphabetical and numerical electronically and manually
4. Skills – List the skills you referred to in the objective include more hard skills than soft skills and no more than five bullet points.
5. Education – In this section list your highest education level, list school name, degree, city, and state. List education in order by highest/most recent ranking: Masters, Bachelors, Associates, High School Diploma, GED. You do not mention that you have references available on your resume but definitely have at least three professional references available if asked to provide them.

The Only Place Where Success Comes Before Work Is in The Dictionary
Opportunities and Success Begins with a JOB
1. Arrive to the interview 10 to 15 minutes early
2. Active listening: Listen to understand
3. Dress for the position you are applying for
4. Research the company’s website
5. Refer to information mentioned on the website
6. Practice Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines
Tips on How to Live a Fit and Fabulous Life
1. Eat so you are satisfied not full
2. Eat colorful fruit and vegetables daily
3. Read labels for portions size and eat portions size
4. Exercise daily, walking for 30 to 45 every other day is acceptable
5. Sleep between seven and eight hours daily
6. Drink more water; urine should be pale yellow to amber in color and not cloudy
7. Bonus** Guard your eyes, your ears, and your heart
Networking, Fellowship, and Socializing
1. Socializing affects our attitudes
2. Good behaviors with others build strong relationships
3. Relationships impact our physical, mental and emotional health
4. Fellowship helps us cope with stress when we have a listening ear
5. Networking keep us in touch with the job markets, who is hiring and the pay
6. It is nice to know people, but it’s even better for people to know you
7. Bonus** We have two ears and one mouth; talk less to respond effectively.
Two people can have a meaningful conversation if one listens.
Financial Awareness Might Save You Money
1. Alternate days on taking your lunch to work
2. Before you go shopping make a list
3. Don’t go grocery shopping on an empty stomach
4. Fill up your gas tank or buy a monthly bus pass
5. Pay your bills on time
6. If you use credit cards pay more than the minimum payment
7. Bonus** Keep your credit card use below 30%

"Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten:
Share, Play fair, Don’t hit, Clean up your mess. Don’t take things that aren’t yours.
Say you’re sorry, Flush, Wash your hands, Treat people the way you want to be treated"
- Robert Fulghum

How to Ace an Interview
Experience is the best teacher: going on many interviews in your industry will help you learn how to ace a job interview. Interviewing is a skill. Remember that first impressions are everlasting. The goal of an interview is to be offered the position that you applied for.
Some ways to ensure that you’re the best candidate are:
Be prepared!: Come to your interview with confidence because you did your homework and a ready to ace the interview.
Make sure you are on time to your interview, arriving 5-10 minutes early is best.
Make sure you have all forms of identification and any other necessary documentation.
Practice answering interview questions with friends or family or even in the mirror. Think about what skills need to be improved.
Come ready with all questions you may have for your interviewer about the company and the position you’re interviewing for.
Dress to impress: Make sure you’re dressing appropriately, wearing appropriate jewelry and have a suitable appearance for the job you want on your interviews.
One pair of earrings are appropriate for interviews.
If your job permits you to wear a nose ring, one small post is appropriate.
Hand rings should be limited to one ring per hand.
Refer to employee handbook for dress code specific to your company.
Have your hair a naturally occurring hair color, such as blond, brunette, brown, red (ginger), gray, or black.
Final Interview Things to Do:
Remember to speak in complete sentences and avoid slang.
Remember to speak instead of using hand and/or body gestures.
Pay attention to your body language (no folded arms, head resting on hand etc.).
Focus on looking the interviewer in the eye or the tip of their nose.
With these tips you should be able to have a successful job interview!

Do you prefer to work as a team member or as an individual?
"I can do both. I can work as an individual as well as a team member."

Professionals Placing Professionals ASAP
Professionalism is not defined by your level of education or the position you have. It means communicating effectively and appropriately and always finding a way to be productive. Employers want employees to be responsible, ethical, and team oriented, and to possess strong communication, interpersonal, and problem solving skills. Wrap these skills up all together and you've got professionalism.
-U.S. Department of Labor

“Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation
must be compelling in order to overcome obstacles that will invariably come your way.”
- Les Brown

You're Hired Permanently
- Soft Skills
- Hard Skills
- Work Experience
- Background Clearance
- Drug Test

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